Saturday, February 23, 2013

Teacher Conventions 2013

Joining the pieces between theory and practice.....
Home. After a month of travel from Edmonton, to Red Deer and Calgary, Alberta,  I just completed my final Teacher's Convention for this year which included the presentations  "Chill Out - the Scoop about Anxiety" and "The Compassionate Classroom".

At all three conventions this month, the session on anxiety was a sell-out with large numbers of teachers disappointed they couldn't get into the room; anxiety in classrooms is becoming a significant issue for teachers from K-12.

In "Chill Out - The Scoop about Anxiety" we looked at common anxiety disorders we may see in our students, as well as the factors which may lead to the development of a disorder. Theory is great, but even better are practical strategies, and we discussed a number of those as well.

If you would like the session notes from the "Chill Out..." presentation, just drop me an email at and I'll be happy to send them along to you.

I'm looking forward to next year's conventions. If you've got an situation about which you could use some current information or ideas how to handle, let me know - I thoroughly enjoy researching and developing sessions on relevant issues for guidance counselors and teachers!

In the meantime, it was a delight meeting new friends, and visiting with old friends at the North Central Alberta Teacher's Convention, the Calgary City Teacher's Convention, and the Central Alberta Teacher's Convention.  Teachers are just plain good people!


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